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Quran Square is an online institute that provides Arabic, Quran, and Islam lessons for you and your children through highly-qualified and experienced teachers who have graduated from Al-Azhar University in Egypt. They have many years of experience in teaching Arabic and Quran online to non-Arabic speakers.
Quran SQUARE started to provide Arabic and Quran education through an interactive online environment a long time ago. We seek to provide all our students from all over the globe the opportunity to understand and excel at the Arabic language with regular practice that fits into their busy schedules.
All Courses for All Ages. Quran SQUARE Institute provides Quran, Islam, and Arabic classes for both kids and adults. We customize and personalize each course’s lessons based on the student’s age, knowledge, and abilities.
Moreover, our tutors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to facilitate the learning process. This allows you or your family to study the Holy Quran, Arabic Language, and Islamic studies conveniently from the comfort of your home.
- Quran Teaching Program is comprehensive for every student to learn the blessings of God.
- The course introduction includes the basic principles of Islam and Quran including the Quran reading for the first time.
- The online tutors provide genuine assistance in reading and reciting Quran. To fully comprehend and grasp the ideology behind Quran and divine messages of Allah, the knowledgeable tutors of Islam give in-depth details of each chapter.
- Lectures on the Islamic ideology and religious beliefs.
- Complete memorization assistance of Quran (the whole 30 paras)
- We have most Trained and Expert Native Arab Male and Female Quran Tutors to make your learning more proficient. We’re teaching in English, Arabic, Hindi and Urdu Language.
- Our Support Team check and audit Quran Online Classes to give you best Experience. We audit our classes to make sure smooth and high quality services.
Learning Quran Features at Quran Square
- Students can take Quran classes at anytime anywhere; they don’t need to put aside their busy schedule or school activities and learn Quran at fixed hours with us. We make your learning experience unforgettable and convenient.
- Whether you are a group of students learning Quran from our learned professionals or individual student, we provide individual attention to each student during lecture delivery and Quran Classes. Our strategic approach is to focus on the weaknesses of each student and help them overcome their problems in understanding and learning Quran. For that, no single student is given preference on any bias.
What are the Ten Qirats?
Ten Qirats are not like different voices and different styles, rather these are slight differences in pronunciation, letters and Harakat. It is like comparing two different books of Quran and you find differences between them. To know this clearly, we need to go back to the times of Prophet (PBUH) and Islamic history. People in the times of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were illiterate, and they have their own dialect of their own tribe like any other language. Like in case of English of British and American. It has differences of spelling and pronunciation. Same was the case for that time that they have different like dialect of Quraish which was the tribe of Holy Prophet (PBUH), dialect of Yaman, dialect of Hudair and many more. These dialects have slight differences but without change in the meaning. Within the Qira’at, there are two categories:- Mutawatir: The transmission which has independent chains of authorities so wide as to rule out the possibility of any error and on which there is consensus of Ulema of that time.
- Mashhur: these are slightly less wide in their transmission, but still so wide as to make error highly unlikely to happen.
Learn Noorani Qaida at Quran Square. Noorani Qaida is the basic book to understand Quran. Kids can learn qaida noorania easily with the help of teacher. The book has basic necessary chapters to understand the different words, following with tajweed rules. This makes an easy approach for non Arabic children to learn Arabic letters in the initially stage.
Noorani Qaida course is very basic and first step to learn Quran for all the beginners whether kids or elders. It makes learning Quran very easier. Muslims across the world learn Noorani Qaida to build foundation for learning Quran. It has many useful exercises which include Quranic words and verses.
Why to Learn Noorani Qaida?
Noorani Qaida is one of the fundamental booklets comprehend the essential Tajweed for the Holy Quran and contains all the important lessons for Quran recitation. The book starts with the Arabic Alphabets and gradually leads the student from simple to complex letters, Quranic Ayah, and rules of Tajweed. It is the conventional method to learn Quran in the Non-Arab world. It covers the following:
- Recognizing the Arabic alphabets & symbols, understanding the basic rules of pronunciation and connecting the alphabets.
- The consonants, short vowels (Harakaat: sounds of Dammah, Fatha and Kasrah)
- Long vowels (Haroof Maddah), Tanwin, Haroof Linah and Noon Sakeenah
- Ra and Lam Rules
- Waqaf Rules (where to pause and where to stop)
- Tashdid, Tashdid with Sukoon, Tashdid with Tashdid, Tashdid after Madd etc
How to learn Noorani Qaida’s 17 Lessons which are Steps of Guidance?
It is available in 17 chapters. We will teach how to read the basic letters in the beginning with proper pronunciation. After completing each lessons of Qaida Noorania, you will get a chance to revise it again. The readers normally, can be kids, adults as well as females. You will understand the rules of tajweed. Arabic Qaida is an islamic book for the beginners. It will give you strength of going towards Quran learning with complete knowledge. It is supportive book towards learning Quran in proper way.
- Learn the Tajweed – In order to prevent mispronunciation of words and terminology in the Quran, readers of the book must follow certain recitation rules called tajweed. These recitation rules were created to replicate the way the prophet Mohammed recited the Quran.
- Start learning the tajweed early on so you can apply them to your own recitations. This can also help you understand recitations from other people to better improve your chances of success in learning the language.
- Study Basic Grammar – As you start learning Quranic Arabic, the most important thing is to study first is basic grammar. While it’s true that it might take years for you to learn and memorize the entirety of Quranic Arabic’s grammar, you can get a good initial grasp within the first few hours of study. When you focus on learning basic grammar first, you can piece together full sentences and start understanding their meaning earlier.
- Study Arabic to English (or your native language) – Since you are learning Quranic Arabic to read the Quran, it’s most important that you focus your energy on learning how to translate Arabic to English, or your native language, and not the other way around. Since you’re not trying to learn conversational Arabic, you don’t need to spend any time or effort trying to learn how to ask for directions or order food, saving yourself more time in the long run. As such, only focus on learning the principles behind translating Arabic to your native language.
- Study Quran-specific Terminology – As with most religions, the Quran contains many religion-specific terminology and vocabulary that you don’t experience much in day-to-day life. As such, it’s important that you spend your time and effort into learning Quran-specific terminology.
- It’s also true that much of the vocabulary in the Quran is repeated often throughout the text. In fact, did you know that only 300 words make up over 70% of the entire book? If you learn those 300 words early, you’ll be able to read the Quran quite simply.
- Quran – The syllabus is divided into sub-areas that include Memorization, Recitation, Tajweed and Tafseer. The recitation syllabus is divided into eight levels with the goal to master the letters and their phonetics, understand the characteristics of every letter and their articulation points, and enable students to read the Quran without errors. The Tajweed syllabus enhances that with precision in pronouncing every letter to perfecting even the amount of breath that is released with every word.
- Hadith – The hadith represents a personal source of divine guidance that Allah granted his prophet, which was similar in its nature to the Quran itself. Since the prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was guided by revelation in his personal life, his character and social interactions became prime examples of moral conduct for Muslims until the last day. It is with the study of authentic hadiths that we can understand how to apply the Quran in our daily lives. At Quran Square, the Hadith syllabus studies the primary sources of authentic hadiths such as the sahihs and books such as Riyaad Ulsalheen.
- Aqidah – A comprehensive syllabus that is designed to cement articles of faith such as belief in Allah (God) and Tawhid (monotheism),belief in the angels, belief in the holy book and prophets, belief in the Resurrection and belief in predestination. Quran Square provides a course name Aqidaty (My Aqidah) that focuses on the essentials of Aqidah as well as study of advanced topics.
- Fiqh – The syllabus is designed to develop deep understanding in the different matters of Islamic law. It interprets rules of Allah that concern actions, what is required (Wajib), sinful (haraam), recommended (mandub), disapproved (makruh) or neutral (mubah). The syllabus is divided into Fiqh Essentials and Advanced Topics that cover the opinions of the four prominent schools (Malki, Shafi, Hanfi and Hanbali).
- Islamic History – The Islamic History Syllabus covers the full history of Islam from the beginning of creation until recent history. The syllabus is designed to develop identity and pride in Islamic History and recognizes the achievements of Muslims across the ages.
What Client Say...

Fathima Rizwana
Mashallah I am very happy with my beloved teacher she is very nice and kind Allah (swt) make for her time and effort easy ameen. JAZAKALLAH Khairen for Quran Square team.

Naveed Ahmed
Had a great experience with Quran and Arabic classes at Quran Square Institute. Very suitable for kids as well as for people who have full time jobs as the classes are very flexible. The teachers are very professional and knowledgeable. The website is user friendly. Will 100% recommend this to anyone looking for online classes.

Sarika Sittahara
We put our younger son in Quran Square to learn about islamic manners and Alhamdulillah his teacher is amazing and they teach by playing online games that's really cool. Masha Allah.