Learn Islam

Ut wisi luctus ullamcorper. Et ullamcorper sollicitudin elit odio consequat mauris, wisi velit tortor semper vel feugiat dui, ultricies lacus. Congue mattis luctus, quam orci mi semper

Best Ramadan Day-to-Day Supplications (Duas)

Best Ramadan Day-to-Day Supplications (Duas) - Quran Square

Ramadan is the ideal month for getting closer to Allah (SWT) through fasting, prayers, reading Quran, good deeds, and supplication (dua). Supplication (Dua) during Ramadan is a very powerful tool to seek blessings and forgiveness from Allah (SWT). The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: There are three people whose supplication is …

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The 5 Pillars of Islam

The 5 Pillars of Islam - Quran Square

What are the 5 Pillars of Islam? The 5 Pillars of Islam are the foundations of Islam and represent the core of Islamic practice. One who believes and practices upon these pillars is the true Muslim. In Islam, it’s important for every Muslim to Learn The 5 Pillars of Islam. …

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Islamic Supplication (Duaa) Course

Islamic Supplication Course - Quran Square

Islamic Supplication is one of the significant acts that Muslims conduct in their daily life. it’s a vital method to worship Allah; as Allah is hearing every word we say especially when we practice Du’a. In Islam, “Duʿāʾ” or “Duaa” literally means appeal or “invocation”, is a prayer of supplication …

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